Nick DeGruccio
Director, SDC/AEA/SAG
The End Of It
World Premiere
A World Premiere Play by Paul Coates
SEPTEMBER 14, 2013
"sensational direction"
Fortunately, we’ve got director extraordinaire Nick DeGruccio on hand to work his magic with an often mind-bending staging that cleverly blurs the lines between couples, so that what we end up experiencing is not three distinct pairings but three interwoven permutations of the same relationship, and having all six characters interacting with each other by the end of The End Of It is particularly stunning.
- StageScene LA
Coates is aided immeasurably by the sure-handed, inventive direction of Nick DeGruccio. He stages the overlapping couples fluidly, fully utilizing François-Pierre Couture’s wonderful, deceptively simple set.
DeGruccio also successfully achieves a balance between each set of three characters—they feel very much like the same person but still emerge as individuals. The acting is excellent
There are lightning-fast shifts from anger, to hurt, to humor, to reminiscence. They never feel like constructed transitions. They just feel like life. - Theatre-Los Angeles
Director Nick DeGruccio marshals his fine actors through a nearly impeccable production. - LA Weekly